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Furnishing your Dream Home


When it comes to your new home, you are faced with a whole lot of anxieties. People around you would probably tell you stuff like, don't spend too much, buy only what is necessary, etc. All of that is valuable advice, but we all want that experience of making visits to countless stores to seek out the perfect furniture pieces for our home.

Having been through this journey with many homeowners, we hope this will give you great tips to put your anxieties to rest. Read on!

1. Decide on the theme

Decorating requires a lot of thought as your furniture has to fit into the design style or colour scheme of your home.

For example, if your wall is in a certain shade of colour, you may want to consider finding a piece of furniture that fits the similar colour theme as it would help to establish the same personality which you had set out to convey through your decor.

2. Have a budget

It's always important to set the budget and this is where your vision and priorities meet the financial side of decorating your new home. Remember that no one has a fully furnished home straight from the get-go, unless your home is IKEA.

After moving in and living in your home for some time, you will start to realize and differentiate between the needs versus wants. So we recommend that you prioritize furniture purchases based on where you will potentially spend the most time in your home.

3. Visualise your shopping checklist

After the renovation is completed and deep cleaning is done, start by visiting every room in your home and start listing out everything you think the room needs. Visualising will help you to decide where you would want to place certain things, especially for large items like beds, dining tables or sofas.

4. Prioritize your needs

We all have limited money to spend, what more is you might have just sent a huge sum on your renovation. A good way to craft your priority shopping list is to focus on the essential items in the space that you will spend the most time in. For example, that includes dining tables where your family will spend the most time to have meals and catch up after a long day, or a bed for sleeping.

5. Focus on quality

We all need quality furniture that will last us as long as we need to. Especially things like beds or sofas, you want these good quality stuff to follow you from house to house. Spend more on your mattress or bed frames, which potentially impact your health.

Most importantly, having a clear plan may help bring you some peace of mind during this chaotic time of your life. With this targeted approach, your home will feel finished before you know it.

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